Tony Miselli
Money Speak
Pharma brother form another mother Martin Shrekeli is imprisoned at the Federal Correctional Institute i Fort Dix,New Jersey and while passing time blowing dicks and taking sticks the alpha pharma piece of shit profiteer was actually still running one of his companies he is able to set up for himself thanks to foreign ed backed currencies and extra funny dollars that are invested and go into fellow psychotic executives and the business tax class in America.
This guy was still running these debt-ridden fed dollar printed entitlements of the business class so shits like Martin Shkeli can maximize profits and raise costs onto the consumer. Martin Shkreli is no different though than any other monopolist corporate executive as all of these mergers and acquisitions and companies aligning themselves with other corporations basically do the same thing for food and hand soap if not so egregiously as what Martin Shrekel attempted to do and is why he sits in a cell in Fort Dix sucking dicks like the Trix rabbit. Martin is no longer bale to get contraband phones and not wheeling and dealing pharma boy deals with his fake companies that are just economic hitman set ups within our economies and health care system and this creep prick is now in padded cell and in solitary confinement on a diet of water and wheat brad with pork slabs three times a day and it is good to see federal authorities take charge on this fucker after the Wall Street Journal piece some months back.
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