Professor Daniel Immerwahr says the United states was and is still a hidden empire

Denny Watson
   Northwestern University  professor Daniel Immerwar is a revisionist and for him t e United States was an empire on par with the British and French from its founding. For the neurotic and eccentric professor the United States was based on expansion from day one and Mr Immerwahr makes this assumption in his book called "How To Hide An Empire" . The professor looks at how this country expanded and took land form native Americans and eventually reached out to Asian and the four seas all while ignoring that empires and nations rise and fall and his problem was the United States rose and defeated various empires form Spain,England,France, and Japan to be the power it is today. One must wonder if liberal academia like professor Immerwar would of
been content America stay the size of Denmark or Norway and the original 13 colonies while New Spain,Russia California. Big Louisiana and Texas reigned in supreme along with a Comanche or Apache stan here and there. It would be doubtful that the stars and stripes would even fly along Appalachia and the Northeast given this prospect and revisions of professor Immerwahr and a puppet Jap state  Manchuko would still exist in Northern China to this day if his vision of history prevailed in reality. . In fact. Immerwahr covers heavily the Philippine insurrection following the Spanish War and somehow seems upset that the United Stets sent in troops into the Southern Islamic held Philippines and destroyed the institution of slavery and the Moron terrorist grip much as it had done thirty years earlier in the American South. Professor dipshit also tried briefly bashing president Trump's take on General Pershing's brutal campaign to weed out these Moros slave holders and terrorists and lies trying to portray the American general fighting Muslim supremacists during the Philippine insurrection as some ally and sympathetic figure for the Moros and their culture.
Mr Immerwahr spends so much time also discussing the bad parts of American history such as martial law in Hawaii and the internment of Japanese ancestry people in California and the Philippines and perhaps he doesn't get the  extent that we were in a life and death struggle  war footing and these draconian laws are often needed and were seen as needed in time of total warfare the worse mass killing and increase warfare  technology  warfare age man has ever seen.This professor talked alot of shit of Puerto Ricans but said nothing how liberals and Catholic church sued their migration to turn and gerrymander cities blue in many ways including increasing crimes massively in cities in the sixties targeting working class white families and their neighborhoods in order to spread domestic terrorism and movement into the suburbs. I know first had having several female cousins brutally attacked in this time period and use of  Puerto Rican terror in America.  It is easy to say how things were wrong in 2019 in the leafy campuses of Evanston's Northwestern university and one should like to whisk this shit brain nutty professor back to Hawaii in the months following Pearl Harbor and all of these Japanese occupations and conquests where they were beheading people in mass graves with swords aka The Islamic State. The problem with academia and why so many people are turning on higher
education and the scam of the university si because the profession and teach of it has been over-taken by racial identity morons such as Mr Immerwahr who seem more loyal and a fan of whoever opposed and fought against the United States throughout its history. America was formed and prospered in an era of empire and staying a small nation would of been suicidal as one should see what happened to Poland in the same year American independence was declared and clearly without  the power of modern America the Swedes and Norwegians would be under Mother Russia and the Philippines and Korea be another Tibet and this is another God dam academic professor under the tutledge and money of China and Russia. Mr Immerwahr uses his position and "academic professorship privileged" to vent hatred against this nation and its history all while ignoring the brutality of expansive Germany, China, and Russia who would of been iron fisting  Korea, Philippines, Alaska,Hawaii  and other  entities of this day without what the United States grew to counterweight these enemies and those of Japan, Britain, Spain and France that threatens its survival and possibly could of expanded spilling over into the thirteen colonies. This fortunately didn't happen and Northwestern piece of shit professor Immerwahr seems to have a problem with that.

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