Rodrigo Duturte about to send Filipino soldier s on a suicide mission against growing Chinese infiltration

Lee Park Kong
   Make no mistake the modern wicked authoritarian Chinese empire is getting desperate and looking overseas to keep up their fake inflated value and room for growth. The Philippine islands is a place where JinPing Xi and his Orange face room of fellow autocrats feel should belong to China and for the past several years Chinese vessels have ignored international borders and agreements and have crossed over in Philippines waters to exploit the seas and fish and other resource extraction and Philippine patriot and president Rodrigo Duturte can do little about it and is threatening a war and international incident ot expose this power and abuse from the Chinese state capitalists.
Te Philippines has faced pressure before from a growing psychotic Asian empire in Japan and now it faces one form a state-controlled Chines mad state with a dictator for life that American business and consumers continue to prop up and allow to be trading partners and have influence and growth through immigration of their cronies into American and Vancouver and purchase the country thanks to our insane liberal polices of past American president and Justin Trudeau in Canada. Rodrigo Duturte once courted and wined and dined with the devil and is now
regretting his decision to get on the map of Chinese brutal mass killer Jinping Xi as he is personally leading the Chinese ships and ordering them more and more into Philippines waters and Xi thinks the Filipino Malay race as a joke unworthy of Independence and best fit to serve Chines estate corporate masters . Duturte is desperate for hina to stay awau and not touch his beloved Pagasa Islands over there in the Philippines and may need to draw international attention with a suicide mission that will kill many brave soldiers of the Philippines making the same sacrifice they did in fighting Japanese brutal expansion and occupation.

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