Clay Mathews so sad so mad about his number being quickly given away from the Green Bay Packers

 Dave Berkson
      Poor Clay Mathews. The hair-obsessed baller defensive end for the Green Bay Packers loved taking his helmet off during games  and showing the cheese heads and the country his golden locks in a display that would make Kate Perry blush. Clay Mathews may or may not be a hall of famer but for manhood he belongs in the hall of shame with his shamelessly self grandstanding on the side lines of NFL games ad I wish this man would lose  hair match in the WWF or TNA. Clay Mathews was upset after leaving the Green Bay Packers at how quickly his beloved number 52 given so quickly to a ninth round draft pick and he was both shocked and appalled at the action and disrespect of the Pack.
Many believe teams should hold on and not give a number away so quickly especially to a legendary star player who just retired or left the team and the golden flushed locks of a Clay Mathews will be missed by many in the North woods as Clay would often take his helmet off after a key play and wave his mame around for an extra bit of attention that he felt  needed more than his tackling ability. Mathews and other ballers need to know to fans and the owners they are basically just numbers and are pretty irreverent once their contributions are up for their favorite team and the quicker these players realize this then snowflake flakenes like the dandruff coming from Clay's mouth an]about a team giving up his old number should not even be a story. Mathews is lucky so much money is diverted away from the workers in society and given to sport leagues and other media outlets as in a normal and fair life he would of been a hairstylist instead of making millions assaulting men on the gridiron. In another era Clay would be another schmoe packing boxes in a warehouse or maybe a Viking pillaging the coast of England. This is one former Pack that will never be back

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