Comic Book artist Neil Gaimen and James Zogby likely never met nor spoke but both are strong advocates and writers for increased freedoms and rights of Palestinians and both men believe that the Palestinians should take Trump and Kushner's offer and run with it. Given the proximity and location of Palestinian with their Arab brethren there is no reason these two men of the pen reckon that a modern Palestinian independent country cannot not arise to the same depths and wealth of Oman and Qatar. Both men believe that Palestinians will eventually attain the same global aspirations and wealth funds when the investigators reward these people with a new grant of plutocracy within a new nation of Palestinian authority Inc. Zogby says the

. Gaimen is an incredible comic writer and artist of the sandman series and he said that of Bahrain or the United Arab Eremites can build these super sand castles and water parks made of ice into the sky then they can make the flying carpet Tatoonie style skyline with wealthy plutocrats from everywhere to come and move and rock the Casbagh all night long. Gaiman wrote the sandman series for DC
comics which outsold Batman and Superman and he is a comic book legend and along with legendary author and thinker Mr Zogby who we traveled to the Cedar Rapids Public library to hear a disconcerting view of the state of the Middle East thanks to American and Israeli policies intended to exacerbate and profit form an already volatile situation. Palestianstan will be bigger than Mecca Saudi Arabia and it will be run by investors,capitalists, venture fund vultures, globalists, and Jews.
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