Sean Stone runs something called LipTv which is a little listened to webzine of major propaganda and the son of Oliver shocked the world when he became a Shitte Head Muslim and converted some years ago. This gives him little credence as an investigative reporter as he is bias as shit for Iran and his religion and he came aboard his widely unpopular internet show and attacked president trump and was s the latest on-line push back against the administration and how close we came to a war that eventually will come about some time.
The goal of Sean Stone and others in their full support of the Islamic republic of Iran and they are forcing a Neville Chamberline type of moment for Mr Trump. Sean Stone is an idiot always has been the son of a idiot and bitch and always will be a son of a pig Benedict Arnold shit brain fuck turd. Sean Stone pushed back against any possibility of war and he wishes to work hard to help Iran work
its way into creating a bomb and then using their nuclear capabilities in extort the world and continue its proxy terrorism and goals of attacking anything that is not based on the insanity of the Shiite Religious extremism. Stone lowers his knee, kisses the hand, and opens up his ars for all the towel-headed clerics of this dictatorship and for a libtard he should be respected for moving into these fascist Islamic states they show so much support. Stone loves to nail hot Iranian chicks and loves the fully faced burka and the surprise of not knowing the women he picks up and takes to his swingers bachelors pad in Tehran and he is such a fucking sex addict he mounts them regardless of what they look like when taking off their Halloween masks.
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