Carslon Tucker rips Chris Cuomo , political establiment and higher education new asshole

 Carlson Tucker
   Tucker Carlson came across his Fox News award winning broadcast and called for either the firing of Chris Cuomo and Do Lemon for the recent video and rape allegations against both men. Don Lemon  of course is a homo and he is being accused of groping and sexually attacking several men in gay bars who were drugged in their drink and allowed Don Homo to molest them. Likewise Chris Cuomo is a jag fag and threatened some young men for mistaking his name in a video that went viral and
Tucker correctly pointed out that had he made these same remarks that there would of been calls for him to be fired as is often the case the left can't stand Mr Carlson brilliantly pointing out the hypocrisy of urban Democrats and the activist shits from the far  the left. Carlos Tucker said Cuomo needs to go to Bellevue for a few weeks and take a permanent vacation but doubted CNN would do anything because e they like their anchors sexual homosexual assaulter and psychotic Italian victim hood thugs form the urban New York hood. Tucker said that the political establishment  pays for the way of their Fredo dons like Chris to get into elite constitution of higher learning no matter how unqualified and he said it was no coincidence that Chris was in media Tucker called for advertisers to boycott any air time when Cuomo is on the air and he called out fellow FOX News annalist Sean Hannitty for defending the total jackass propagandist Cuomo wondering why Sean would support a anchor that lies as often and is egregiously serving his international corporate masters that are dead set against any improvement of the economic lot of the American Middle and working  class.

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