Jason Nash and Dumb Dborik endorse celebrity nobility and love of Beyonce

  Dave Berkson
   Dumb David Dborik and his old partner Jason Nash recently were speaking about how popular and followed Beyonce is as a human species as the racial identity cultural clause state  heavy percentage of celebrities need to be black. Dborik and Nash somehow ran into Beyonce's "people" who prepare and organize every movement of this women in numerous events and fake charities and the times they have saw Beyonce they couldn't help to notice this woman is some royalty because of her fame and few celebrities can match it. Dborik says this woman could be president and ruler for life in many minds and the amount of obsession people give with Beyonce.
Beyonce is of course nothing special and popular because of the celebrity industrial complex willing to go to great lengths to promote black culture in this society but unless they can purchase elections as easily as the select avenge singers to be stars Beyonce will be nothing but an aging pop singer whose popularity and stardom goes down with her age and hanging ass. Make no mistake Beyonce is some scuzzy typically unattractive heavy Black woman and only the powers to be with money and a strong belief in reparations and make up for the blacks push and finance the fame of her and her rap
musically untalented husband Jay Z and if Nash and Dborik had any ounce of working brain matter they would realize this. Instead dumb Dave and old Jason have fecal matter swimming like sperm in their matter and think somehow a Beyonce is an incredibly tantalized individual well deserving of the special monetary provided by the globalists to be some famous person receiving red carpet treatment and accolades at every moment of their life which is just pathetic and typical of this sick guilded age. Nash,Dbotrik and the bitches the hang out do not question the inequality of untalented women earning as much as Beyonce does and instead praises for a new feudal system of entertainer and their political objections to limit democracy.

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