"Gentlemen' Jim Rogers all investors to stay away from Japan until they get creative and create the perfect sex robot for his perverted ass

  Carlton Olsen
   Singapore based globalist trader scammer "Gentleman: Jim Rogers wrote and attacked Japan recent in many on-line and investment prints as the geriatric bullshit artist and advocate for Chinese domination does his usual lying and misleading. Jim Rogers sees people as a commodity and Japan is not having much population growth and he warned the Japs that this would be a problem and why investors should stray away as Rogers highly criticizes the policies of Japan, He is also a hack for Russia and China and is often bearish for these two nations arch enemies of the West and our values and clearly this geriatric colonel sanders dressing jackass loves these two nations because they are our enemies.
Jim Rogers says a declining birthrate and high massive debt are a recipe for disaster and he suggests japan gets back to it s focus or maybe it should be divided up and massive number of immigrants are allowed to immigrate to a new country and eventually the Japanese will be pushed out like the Ainu people for progress. Jim Rogers also wishes to see more Japanese sex, anime sex, and more production fo sex robotics in this country that is so obsessed with robotics yet offers few for old men like himself. Jim Roge  sis tired of being a gentlemen and having young women a half his age take his money and run a snow is about time for the plutocratic trade swindler to make the full
maneuvers in the near future forward  to total automation and artificial intelligence in his romantic future availability, Jim Rogers is a ass and a half always has been an asshole and always will be and this is a rich fat jack off that needs to have his bank account completely  drawn out and he a is a major part of what is wrong with our  financial system. Jim Rogers is a mass migration open borders and people movement and demands that Japan allow non-Japanese to flood the country like we see in the West, Jim Roger's is also a perverted old man into anime sex and looking for sex robots modeled after Japanese women to rock his liver. Rogers is an old jackass financier part of the global crowd demanding
government s cut spending on its citizens and instead give to billionaires and incentives like himself so they can hoard wealth and purchase younger wives. He warned his fellow plutocrats that unless Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe dramatically uses a chainsaw instead of an ax to cut spending and allow four million Bangladeshi's into the country for cheap labor that Japan is not worthy of any investment or involvement in the future for the fraudulent class of old assholes such as himself.

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