Nathan Stopleman and his cat can't believe the stupidity of Greta Thunberg

     Lee Park Kong
   Young people are brainwashed to eat bugs avoid beef and be fearful that they will be dead by thirty through the intensive Maoist type brainwashing by the global class long jealous and angered by America energy use proportion to population as they never make comments of over-breeding of the misogynist poverty stricken people around the world . Nathan Stoplman can't believe the amount of time and less coverage some nasty Swedish teen fuck face form hell is receiving as she threatened and condemned the United Nations and citizens of the West for not doing enough and eating more grasshoppers and rice in order to make use for over abundant energy use and enjoyment.
The global South and their lackeys like this fucking  teenager in Swedish are  a disgrace and Nathan Stopleman and his cat blasted this girl a new asshole and vagina for the bullshit and use whore of herself as a prop for this large fraud of climate change. The attack on Western independence and lifestyles is the ultimate goal of the socialist pushing this agenda demanding more sacrifice are given up because Somalians and Ethiopians demand to over breed, The globalists pushing for this climate war on the rest demand everyone accede to their demands and the push back against this
dumb teen Greta Thunberg has been strong because it is so obvious a staged event and a joke a ugly Swedish  teenager would make these acclaims and act like she is so knowledgeable because many tell her to read a script. Nathan and his Twitch troll army bashed this teen bitch and Nathan's cat Douche often hisses at the sight and sounds of this troll teen Swedish snowflake zombie climate shit. The desperation of the fake news complex has hit new lows using teen broadcaster-type hacks for propaganda pieces among their peers but just like fine wine today's zombieland teens who believe the hype will see it as the shit from a bulls derriere as they grow up.

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