Zach Weiss talks about the Tusken Raider uprising of 234856BC

     Eddie Baily
   Zach Weiss is a YouTube star always talking about Star Wars and conflicts in history in a galaxies far far away and the young Mr Weiss is exuberant about about Tusken raider history and culture. He went on to explain to bhis huge audience how the Tusken's are often ignored and not given their credence in Star Wars lore and movies in the George Lucus collections and take of the intergalactic festivities. while George Lucus chooses to ignore the Tusken Raiders  other writers have give these begins the respect and glory they deserve and the

 publicity they receive in other Star wars talk and written material.  Zach in fact now has a YouTube channel devoted exclusively to these amazing sandbeings in some Star Wars galaxy far away form
mother Earth. Zach is enthusiast as fuck to now add to his Star War channels and YouTube holdings with one focusing  on the infinitesimal accomplishments of the Tusken Raiders and their history that goes way back to the age of time and not to far from the bing bang explosion as the raiders have been fighting one another and invading groups since practically the beginning of their existence. Zach's YouTube channel talking Tuskins dwells into the long and complex history of these thingies and how they have captured a large part of the imagination and segment of the Star Wars obsessive compulsive crowd and the international investors funding these boring endless Star Wars movies on an annual basis as the Hollywood fabricated blockbuster movie complex brings untold riches for some people in entertainment preventing the use of new and creative ideas of movies and space stories and enriching the George Lucus trust funds.

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