Adam Neumann sued for his 1.7 billion severance package and for sexual harassment

   Terry Blue
    The corrupt investment industrial complex and movement of money and people to influence politic and purchase assets all over the world is a causation of the Adam Nuemann's and WeWork and hopefully this will be a textbook case and moment for major reform as modern global capitalism is not capitalism and but foreign induced corruption. Adam Neumann was a Jew and had loyalty not to America or Israel but to the almighty dollar conspiring with other moguls of real estate to swap up office  space and put a fake foreign value that would enrich the global top three percent and  allow them to live comfortably purchasing a wardrobe of Canada Goose jackets and so forth. Natalia Sojka's lawsuit names this turkey Neuman and Softbank CEO for conspiring to destroy this company and Maysayoshi Son as defendants for conspiring to create wealth for themselves and not serving in the companies best interest.
  We Work work force is about to be paid off and none of the workers will receive the severance of this shit bag charlatan Adam Nuemann and now news comes a lawsuit is being leveled against this son of a bitch who had a awful idea for a company and provided no value being bailed out by Japan's Softbank and so forth. Adam Nuemann wished and lived ilke modern nobility and monarch during
WeWork's reign and he was rewarded for his greed,mismanagement, and theft of employees pensions with a ridiculous severance of 1.7 billion dollars by global Softbank and Neumann's plans ended prematurely as this silly goose tried to get an IPO and even more billions to be snookered form investors and when he threatened the very ponzi scheme and scam of the international investor this Jew had to finally go. This son of a bitch and the financial gains for being a fraudster is typical of these kings of finance being rewarded for doing little and damaging the economy and the total 9 trillion dollar stock,money, and investment bond scam needs to be ended once and for all with
confiscation of these dollars and wealth and return to the Gold standard which America had up to the seventies and whose sudden changed allowed POS like him to get control and grow through monetary attrition. King Adam is no longer a business press media darling  beloved for growing something that had no business in business or growing and he is heavily getting criticized with lawsuits allegation pregnancy and gender issues and basically this guy was a typical left-wing big free bank money psychopath who demanded all of his  employees eat beans and cabbage and abstain from meats.

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