Borat and others protest against Chinese suzerainty in Kazakhstan

Baba Pugwuthi
    Kazakhstan is a banana stan somewhere located in the balmy palms of Central Asia and is another region the state repressive and greedy Chinese monopolist communist capitalists are seeking to gain more power. Kazakhs are having none of it and none other than Americana Armenian film star Borat of both Hollywood and Bollywood are joining the massive protests that have been allowed by Kazakhstan's new young president Kassym Jomart Tokayev. Many Khazaks have taken to the streets in recent months disgusted by the corruption and give away of their country to this China and simply hundreds of Khazaks have disappeared and many are wondering if they were shipped doff to Chinese concentration camps for Muslims within China
This Banana Stan is seeing street protest unlike any ever seen before as the average Joe of Abu are taking it to the streets as they seen which is basically their country allowing their great neighbor next  door pretty much buy up everything and dominate the economy. The globalist Chinese have done this form of neo-colonialism (With British help)  and Khazaks are set right on Chinese sights sharing a 1800 Km border with these Chinese constantly looking to open up roads and start projects for
themselves and to profit. Most Kazakhs do not share president Tokayev's admiration and desire to allow millions and millions of more Chinese to come in an build stuff often importing their own people instead of  hiring Kazaks at decent wages. This has outraged Borat who has joined these protests and demanded that locals and business owners take over  many of these projects the corrupt Khazakstan government is giving the Chinese authoritarians.  Borat and the brave heart people of this shit hole nation believe it is their shit hole and they are not about to become Tibet to this psychotic repressive regime in Beijing that the traitorous West allowed to get strong and now expand whether it is business or military into the South China  Seas to the banana stans of Central Asia and many Khazaks being Muslim are rightfully concerned of creeping Sinosim into their lands and stans.

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