Free Talk LIve fags Ian Freeman and Mark Edge confront Joe Biden in New Hampshire and call him a pervert

Carlton Olsen
  Ian Freeman and Mark Edge are the Free Talk Live fags libertarian talk show form hell that we often comment on in this blog. They paperhangers the most arrogant voices ever to be heard through audio history ad these pieces of shit believe they are the smartest and know more than the average person. Ian proclaimed one day his IQ is 150 and these two guys hate government and those representatives of it and recently Joe Biden was in Mulford ,New Hampshire and was attacked by three separate Free Talk live fans including our own Woody Underwood  who made the trek
 Ian Freeman and Mark Edge are among others who called out  Quid Quo Joe and how this man has use d government to benefit himself and his family l through the years and account for the main reason Democrats like himself have such a global vision and desire to see successful at the expense of the masses of struggling American workers and families. Edge and Ian hate big government corruption and have called for the complete independence of New Hampshire Quid Quo Joe is a joke and even are own Woody Underwood went up to this rural area filled with libertarian rednecks and accused Joe Biden of inappropriately touching kids all of the time and called him out for the pervert creepy Joe is as a person. Joe Biden as expected loss control and this is another example how the former Barack Obama Hussein ass kisser is incompetent and unable to lead this country yet alone a shit state like Delaware whom Mr Biden was propped up to rue by the banking class.

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