Matt Weyrich is way rich from being s sport journalist hack for athletes as he criticizes woman on-line who bashed Lamar Jackson's Rolex watches

     Lincoln Kennedy
  Matt Weyrich is a asshole sports writer for NBC sports who attacked some woman named Karen who write a piece letter to the editor at he Baltimore Sun rightfully criticizing new that Baltimore Ravens quarterback purchasing his already over-paid high-income offensive line Rolex watches. Now aside form the fact that I don't believe Lamar used his own money to purchase thee watches (Rolex given watches people are not buying) the news of this had any people roasting these professional athletes using money to give other rich men gifts, Somehow the criticism by"Karen" and her letter  to the newspaper triggered this son of  bitch journalist advocate of massive inequality and the Las Vegas greed of luxury that goes with these men.
Matt Weyrich a a wanabee wishful elite athlete and wisher to be a athlete where such insane high unearned incomes provide for a single athlete being able to purchase 7 or 8 large teammates rolex watches is an example of the fraud that massive corporate money diverted form workers to ballers and owners of sports teams. The fact that Lamar Jackson can gave away to has already rich  teammates a watch that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars is indicative of the problem with the economy and the forces of luxury business and power that cause it.  Karen's letter to the Baltimore sun did
wondered  why this already rich athlete along with his teammates do not donate to charity instead of subsidizing Rolex thanks to their high incomes through the bogus structure of money into sports. 
Instead of attacking Lamar Jackson this apologist for professional baller instead licked Lamar's balls and attacked this woman and her right for free speech and bewilderment that these greedy athletes fucking don't help out people in need and instead buy over-priced watches to feed their fucking ego. Lamar Jackson and his offensive line are bot going the the Super Bowl as this shit head and his fat linemen are not going to think of the X's and O's and instead obsessed with showing off their  expensive rings and watches that these guy buy each other.

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