Oakland Raiders fans riot and protest last game in major display and resistance to inequality andlikes of Jacob Orth as Derek Carr is not going to the Super Bowl

Guy Baldwin
   The Oakland Raiders are no more and like most of Middle Class working class cities losing out of sports teams will soon to be the norm thanks to the internationalists and hdge fund classes. The Oakland Raider splayed their last game in blue-collar Oakland and will move to the meddling globalist city of Vegas City in the next state over placating to the wealthy global class and wealthy casino people such as YouTube superstar and braggert Jacob Orth of Las Vegas.
Many wealthy people just wanted a National Football League team and eventually they purchased it stealing and raiding it form Oakland.  Look for other National Football League teams like Jacksonville being bought and moved to London and possibly the Detroit Lions being sold to a contortion in Toronto. Etc etc.
The coup de grace will be the Green Bay Packers some day moving to Qatar or Saudi Arabia and this will happen in our lifetime my friends. The fans threw stuff at Derek Carr who for weeks flaunted his desire to live and play for pay in sin city expressing desire for free comps at casinos where he could play slots and jacks for free. He and Jacob Orth made several YouTube videos as Jacob promised to make many videos highlighting Vegas City and the go spots for the soon to be Las Vegas Raiders quarterback and Hamberguesa Cancun will be a must go stop.
As far as the protests, Derek made the mistake of getting in the faces of some Oakland loyals who were protesting the game and demanded the Raiders stay put or for a new expansion team be given to Oakland retaining the legendary colors and name of the Oakland Raiders.
Throughout the game many protesters clashed with Las Vegas security guards hired to protect Raider properties and streets against a planned storming of the field and clubhouse after the game and Oakland County police an sheriffs department fought back against these protesters fighting exclusionary tactics by the league and owners and in depth this class war and inequality is something raider fans should of taken to the field every Sunday instead of their last Sunday playing football in Oakland.

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