Zombie Phoenix serial killer typical of liberal fantasy comic con nuts

  Carlson Tucker
   It has been four years since Phoenix  police arrested deranged psycho Zombie and comic fan Bryan Patrick Miller and the danger posed by comics and fantasy death cultist movies and zombies pushed forth upon our culture has been well known and established in research.  Bryan Patrick was a killer whose numbers of victims are still unknown and had numerous knife attack throughout his youth on women but liberal policies either ignored it or looked the other way as this guy grew up to be a creepy clown and comic devote.
The Zombie hunter actually was a young   female hunter killing a couple fo female bikers on a canal trail in Phoenix  and police were well known to this creep. He often would be pulled over for is Blues brothers type refurbishing of a police vehicle and instead of searching this son of a bitches car they stopped and posed for pictures with this psychotic  comic con fucktard.
Like I said this guy often would go to these conventions hang with clowns and so forth and this guy should of been on polices radar for a long time instead of their camera phones and selfie stints. 
The zombie fascination is a by product of Hollywood and investor domination of the culture and society often placating to the psychopaths like Mr Miller who are lost in space in their own world where fantasy and fiction collide and for Angela Brosso and Melanie Bernas their murders and mutilation by this psychopath can be put to blame to the violence promoted by Hollywood leftists through film and television. One victims head was found months later and clearly this man learned to imitate this grisly crime motivated by the shit seen in movies and television thanks to the funding of psychotic big name directors and producer o f film. . These murder occurred din the early nineties and again through DNA technology the killer was only found just a few years go and police are now wondering if this zombie killer had many other victims through his years as this man should not have gone so long  avoiding justice given his proclivity and history of attacking women with knives s a youth in the past.

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