Bernie sander sis running scared having demanded to his campaign staff that the name Andrew Yang never be mentioned in debate or talk on-lie or in pubic. Carden Ellis and the oracle Cody came board their little listened to Andrew Yang podcast and blasted the geriatric asses of Bernie Sanders and they went after Irish socialist son of a bitch Lee Camp, whom they say is nothing but a hack for communism and that Camp supports Bernie Vermont because he believes this is the best and quickest way to get America into the evils of communism.
Carden and Cody fear that Trump may alienate such a populace that a old Vermont shit like Bernie will get himself elected and sneak his way into the White house and this is why they are perhpas the biggest backers of Andrew Yang with daily take sand shows in support of Mr Yang an his presidency bid. Bernie is fearful of Andrew Yang and knows that Yang gang is taking more and more Bernie Bros as few of these young people realize that a old scarecrow like Bernie Sander swill even be
around in 2023 and Yang's proposals for slow moves towards medicare for many is a more suited and reliable approach. Andrew Yang and his popularity is being suppressed by the media and Yang continues to make more and more gains with the future a supposed to the erratic and unreliable Democratic Socialist with absolutely no business in the White House and more deserving of a retirement house. Andrew Yang is by far a superior candidate to the clown of Bernie Sanders and all of Bernie's followers and shit alternative Iran-funded propagandists on-line like that fucker Lee Camp know this.

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