Christoper Hayes sis perhaps the biggest liars in media and how this guy has a news broadcast program with his stupid face and opinions is all that is wrong with the mainstream media. Mr Hayes came aboard several times this week saying don't trust anyone in the Trump administration or anything trump says about Iran as this gaywad shit is convinced that Trump and Republicans are the enemies and tat Iran and benevolent leaders like Qassim Sulimani are beloved men on par with Mother Theresa. The amount of lies this silly rat jackass says withing to spread misinformation and distrust of our political leadership is amazing and the lunatic left and celebrity

All Democrats that supported the Iran nuclear deal and allowed the terrorist state and the likes of Revolutionary Guard NAZI leadership to get ore powerful and money to spread their octopus tentacles and terrorism should be arrested for long prison terms and media complicity by networks like CNN,ABC, and MSNBC are fully and equally guilty of this treason. Christopher Hayes is in deep mourning about the loss for Iran and he know sthat his job and comes come in a large part from refunding of the Islamic State to interfere in American media and influence and this is exactly how we got a fucking nuclear deal and empowerment for the Iranian military and for a monster like Qassin Sulimanhi
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