The Dallas Mavericks rookie Luka Doncic is the biggest sensation than Lonzo Ball in the Natinal Basketbal league an accused serial stalker and rapist NBA hal of famer and all time scammer Kobe Bryant paid him a visit the other night. KObe was out wit his family instead of serving a twenty year sentence for brutally raping a motel clerk in Colorado some years ago as he walked free with a settlement and not be given a orange prison uniform much like MIke Tyson had to wear and serve for a number of years. You see Kobe Bryant is not only a NBA legendbut a brutal sexual predator who
pinned down a blonde woman in her early twenties and brutally held her aginast her will rapig her over and over again for some many hours. Luckily for the young woman she was not strangled as many White American women faced this ending due to black bestiality in our nations history from our founding to the civil rights era and Black on white sex crimes exploded after the sixties.

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