Bernie Vermont attacked viciously in debate and clled out for relying of paid pollig data to back him up

  Jay Yang
    The expected attack on communist socialist bastard Bernie Sander finally took place as the Democratic rivals knew something needed to be done to stop Bernie Sanders and his socialist campaign  to transform and destroy America. Michael Bloomberg among other called out the socialist shit bag for his continuing  reference of polling purchased data  that says he can easily defeat Donald Trump in 47 out of 50 polls. As Bloomberg says polls are not elections and don't prove or mean anything aside form monetary gains and payola for the groups or business conducting these pols f preference.
 Bernie Sanders is one of the worse candidate sever to run for president and is not qualified to be in any position of power outside the doghouse of his home state and worthless breeding grounds of Vermont, The danger posed  to out Democratic system and for the Democratic Party are finally being explained for a national audience and for all to see. Bernie does not just that billionaires but he hates millionaires and he hates people making more than 500,000 and so forth wishing to take all of these peoples money and redistributor to ne organizations and representatives for new business. The candidates also called ut this moron for supporting the genocidal mass killing of capitalist seen in Nicaragua and Cuba through the years as Bernie Sanders cheered the rise in literacy of these nations that the socialist communist governments were successful in order to get more people to read the communist governments propaganda and
understand it.Bernie was booed viciously as the crowd was not made up of the moronic sophomoric asshole Bernie Bros who are paid to attend his rallies but of real Americans and Democrat voters who realize tihs old geriatric foreign -funded international socialist bastard is a direct threat to the economic vitality  and stability of this nation.

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