Mark Zuckerbrtg sued by IRS and considers running for president in 2020

  Zachary Zuckerberg
   The Internal Revenue Service is suing my brother for back payments of some ten billion dollars as Facebook's legal and cultural problem continues and the growing attack against my brothers wealth and social media empire continues. Prince Mark has ht the wrath of government who says back taxes and payments from Facebook are long overdue having been used by foreign governments an foreign countries to meddle in American business and politics. Mark Zuckerberg is facing long over due bills and whether he knew or avoided paying it to the US government I can  only speculate but do
remember Mark as always being cheap and anti-government back in the heyday saying only smart Ivy League educated people  should possess the vote and be allowed to skip over paying taxes outside of anything beneficial to their projects.
 Wendell Middleton blasted Mark Zuckerberg as a fake with a fake way to the living a luxury life and high life as the amount of money he avoided paying in building and propping up his propaganda news spread internet site was not worthy of the status and level my brother Mark Zuckerberg achieved. Wendell said that like Al Capone Mr Zuckerberg is going down and will serve the same fate as the former Chicago mobster.
Middlebrooks compared today's tech billionaires as to bootlegging fraudulent mobsters of the Capone era and said eventually they will come for their San Francisco Golden  bridge and the tech wizards may start offing one another in the mean streets of Silicon Valley. Once again about the only thing that can help this corrupt crook is for Mark to run and win the presidency and he is making emergency plans to just do this panning on running as a third pat candidate under the social Media Party and Mr  Zuckerberg is already polling at ten percent using massive amounts of money to fund and set up these polling companies t bring him good polling news.

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