Animal rights and environmentalist radicals pleased to see Wild K Coyotes roam about large blue cities

Aaron Luther
Animal Stories
  Animal rights and environmental whack jobs are praising  the Coronovirus and mother nature they say has dealt humanity a blow with a virus that many hope does achieve success and deplete the human population as they say this is a disease on loan form mother Godless mother nature and helped created by mother China and Russia. Many San Franciscans woke up to the new reality of a continued crack lock down where they are forced and it is now the Wild K Coyotes roaming around and pooping up
the streets instead of two legged animals and the homeless.  These cities have seen the of Coyotes and the streets empty of humans from California to Italy  pleases the whack job misanthropes and this is the golden age utopia of them elated to see vermin and wild animals again have predominance in the habitat and some are saying this is the real reason for this Coronvirus creation
 Some far-left animal rights advocates in San Francisco and San Diego advocate for the immediate release of all zoo animals and have them practically roam and take over the streets right now in these coastal communities and have them ahhh spread much like err the coronovirus itself. The Coyotes are in full swing attempting to recolonize the urban habitats as they have done of the forest and rural areas throughout this country and they will not rest until they spread a disease killing virus among K9s wiping out all dogs and they replace man with robots becoming their best friends and confidants 

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