Arnold Buckley
Massive riots against continued restrictions are being seen and felt in Wuhan province as lock downed Chinese residents are getting restless and demand to be able to move form province to province. As the red communists authoritarian monsters in power in China restricted some lock downs in the Wuhan province as residents have been locked down in their apartment seven unable to go out to piss their dogs or get some exercise new regulations permanently preventing them form traveling outside their province to visit relatives exploded in a massive rare riot not seen much in China and of course our rotten mainstream media reported nada of this troubling aspect and brutality the Chinese

Americans and Europeans need to take the lead along the rest of the world where these one world governments are finally showing their reptilian side wishing to infiltrate a police state where the technocrats and their robots inherit the world with artificial intelligence and the replacement of humans with robots has long been feared and suspected by these brilliancy mathematicians who looked at the curve and rise of intelligence of robotics and they have come up with a intelligently designed conspiracy to replace humans with machines slowly with these crackdowns and we are stealthy going to be swallowed up by tech and the machine in our own home. We will have or be forced to have installed all of these smart

door knobs,microwaves,overs, and other appliances that will surveillance on people and pets and make the demand to stay at home and quite literally be programmed when and where we can be let out if at all. They really want to give life and revive the doorknob into a living organism and no longer to be dead. The Chinese residents in Wuhan realize their nefarious government plans to replace them with robots and this explains the kleptocracy's obsession with crating a non-human re-programmed police force to free them up of the repressive nature and lead the bureaucrats to the paper and robotic work they prefer on a daily basis The kleptocracy and uber wealthy will be the only humans allowed freedom but even this for them will be temporary before their robot masters decide they too are unnecessary and these wealthy tech fuck crats will be lucky if they are allowed a lock down in a mansion for their loyalty to artificial intelligence. For now we stand with the brave Chinese average Chu's of China who need to rise up and strike back against their repressive insane government and its crackdown in Wuhan and other places they deem necessary using the Coronvirus hoax as a percuser for even ore authoritarian crack down on the Chinese . The Chinese are eager for the bots to have full more rights than human beings and the right to vote on issues pretty much take over and be handed keys to the planet.

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