Human Feces Howard Stern blasts president Trump and followers after disinfect comment

    Gus Perkowski
    Howard Stern is a loser and a shit a man whose vulgarity explains his role and funding by the international societal dysfunctions spreaders. Howard Stern said he can't believe anyone would vote for Trump after the fake news media and other political enemies keep focusing and tracking his question of whether some type of disinfect  could ever be applied into the human body in the future to fight deadly viruses. The corporate billionaire owned corporate media of course jumped on the American president for this talk and will not downplay it at all. Howard Stern argued with a caller and told the caller and all Trump supporters they can go down and die drinking disinfection can as the arrogantly disturbed and mega Millionaire Mr Stern is both a Jew and an asshole.

Anyone who is so rewarded by the global fraudulent economic order and status quo as this untalented stupid son of a bitch Howard Stern naturally will be guided towards the side that seeks to politically damage Mr Trump and his tariffs. Howard Stern is a maggot and a mouthpiece for the international cartel and is preciously why he is constantly on the attack against his former friend. Howard Stern is all in  it in 2020 for Joe Biden and he will work tenaciously on his stupid moronic radio show promoting the Democrats and pushing their line because he is another egomaniac celebrity with a bloated income and a big vulgar mouth. Some are even suggesting that Howard Stern doesn't even exist and that he is so old and ugly and decrippled Howard is actually Bernie Sander son stilts and in a disguise.

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