The fake nurses and new nursing priesthood seek to conform Americans to obey their rule

Wally Jackson
   Supposed nurses came out of their busy hospitals and the heath industries bamboozle of this over-exaggerated crisis to stop the growing protest movement and the collusion of democrats and the heath complex seeking to destroy and attack other nonessential workers. The Nurse Nazis and their fake nurse supporters were out and abut confronting and attempting to shut down the patriotic fervor growing as the real crisis is one of an economic order as the urban and heath overlords seek to establish a heath priesthood of nurses and doctors to wage economic warfare on Americans.
The fact also is many of these people in scrubs counter protesting the anti-lockdown protesters are indeed not even nurses and for nurses even to be protesting out proves what side they are on. Nurses seek to be a new authoritarian priesthood of elitism and greed and many of them are mainly not working but playing around on the job.
The cries from heath workers of being overwhelmed has proven to be complete horseshit and these are among the most establish and elite college-educated people seeking  to prop themselves and their industry to command more of a GDP in our economy at the expense of other workers and industries. The nursing industry for all we now can even be inflicting our military with this virus and undermine the power of out military force.  The nurses in America are allied with the Chinese owned and controlling World Heath Organization and the WHO is using the nursing industry and health professions in general to lie and inflate the numbers of Coronvirus rates in order to give Democrat governments an excuse to crack down and shut down economically the lifeblood of the Republican party and president Trump.
Nurse Nazis are on the aide of authoritarianism and mother China and investigation into these nursing industry and manipulation of virus rates and deaths to meet their economic and political goals and estabpishing the priesthood f the heath industry need to be confronted and fought heavily.

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