Mancow Muller and Mark Dice bash the ass of CBS reporter Greg Kelly for harassing old ice cream truck vendor in Hoffman Estates

  Jay Yang
   A rotten Chicago based CBS news mainstream reporter was out biking wearing his mask like a good Star Wars storm trooper when he happened to ass a old man in a in an ice cream truck selling ice cream to hungry and thirsty kids in the shitty Chicago suburb of Hoffman Estates. The reprehensible actions by this fucktard liberal reporter against this man going out and selling ice cream and making a meager honest living was exposed for all and went viral and national and CBS new for paying part of this is once again being heavily condemned
 and exposed for being a repressive news outlet attacking workers. The vile CBS news reporter named Kelly Gregwas riding with a 5000 dollar bike and skin tight homo looking bicycle shorts when he approached the old man and started cell phone taping his abuse and shaming virtual signaling and two right wing media personal caught up and commented on this incident reckoning that reporter is both a faggot and a fascist. Many people came to the defense of this unnamed ice cream man that the elite media establishment at CBS Chicago made the unwise decision to shame and it backfired against the news organization and serves as another example why the media should not be trusted and seen in ints manipulative role for the ruling classes that hates the average everyday worker such as this Mr Freeze and his ice cream truck business. Greg Kelly is essentially a vile disgusting person as much of the press and vile viruses of media personal from the lowest  news channels to the upper echelon of propaganda media and high incomes of Howard Stern and Stephan Colbert.

Mark Dice had a nice shirt six minute video looking at this weak attempt of a public shaming on a popular old man selling ice cream in Hoffman estates, Ill known as Mr Freeze or papa Freeze. Reporter Greg Kelly is a piece of shit and he faced push back through social media as people trashed his fuck face and the station he works for for broadcasting Mr Kelly's harassment of not wearing a face mask wile serving ice cream as CBS and the local affiliate have gone full snitch bitch authoritarian in all directions and is just another sickening display of the extreme radical activism and political bias in support for the extreme measures taken by our crazed Democratic leadership.
 Mancow Muller says that the loyal left media and members of public shaming mask supremacists such as this fucker Greg Kelly are serving and on orders of this fat pig in the Illinois Governors mansion whcih is JB Pritzker and reporters like Greg Kelly support the repression of Americans about and trying to make a honest living such as this old man selling ice cream that was harassed by this media elitist fuck Mr Kelly. Mancow said much of the media is made up of jerks and this mans attitude and arrogance e was on full display with his harassment and questioning to why Mr Freeze didn't have a fucking mask. Greg Kelly you a re a prick face and you should be required to mask up every minute to day and sleep through the night as a fuck face media darling of CBS news Chicago and JB Pritzker. Muller Mancow rightfully called this whole pandemic scare and new authoritarianism as being essentially a mass media coup economic ruining of America as they declare themselves as altruists virtulaists  essential  rulers over others and this was the case with this silly rat bastard Mr Kelly attacking this ice cream vendor. One would clearly wonder if this reporter harassed the man had he been an old Mexican or Black man. 

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