Whoopie Goldberg attacks Chris Christie on the View after he supports opening up and says will run for president in 2024

    Terry Blue
     The View is this stupid female centric talk sow bias and fake news political propaganda machine  of a group of ugly women with looking fuck faces and headed by former comedian and millionaire limousine  liberal Whoopi Scumberg. The Black bitch had former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on her show talking about reopening up the economy and country and this is something that set in stone and financially well-off Goldberg does not wish to see as though economic depression and oppression by members of the Democratic establishment. Goldberg is a fuck face form Africa and she should be shipped in a box to this place as she rambled and ranted against Mr Christie's proposals and hope to fully restart  and get the country working again. Whoppi  FuckBerg is a multi-millionaire and has no problem with a ten year Coronovirs depression that Christie says could occur with their focus of being radically safe and only opening up country until a vaccine is found and this evil Black Jews could care less how many  people died during the opioid crisis or would be killed with the  lockdown forced economic depressions that this bitch supports.
Whoopi Golddigger kept asking Chris Christi and who was he going to sacrifice to reopen the country which Christi attacked back as an unnecessary questioning and that people are going to die whether they stay inside of go out of their home Chris Christie also hinted he may run for president in 2024 and that under this administration he would immediately put into power preventing the abuse of governors and their ruling affect on the states business and economy bu their crazed American hating edicts as these Democratic Governors are  often reliant on foreign donations during their campaigns and they are running this country for the internationalists and dollar hoarders and citizens of other nations and not the likes of people born here and who actually can vote and participate in elections.
Whoopi and the old bitches  never gets the questioning back and challenges to their extreme lies and beliefs that ABC freely allows to be a  part of their networking. Few watch this program and basically free money is given Ugly Whoopi cushion and Troll bat face and the other extreme hosts of this fake news program .A corrupt with bitch like the disgustingly ugly Whoppi Goldberg is bought off like Howard Stern as a career mediaist and loyalist to the global hedge fundsters and punsters whom own and dictate the direction of talk of the entertainer classes that this filth Whoopi Scumberg belongs. Chris Christie also told the older troll faced demon jobber is part of the Views to shut up and get a face lift and after more hectic
arguing about reopening the economy (as these leftist bitches wish to see country perpetually shit down) Chris started playing some Bruce Springstein and ended this disastrous stupid interview with these dumb as a brick old women and activists

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