For little worm Anthony Fauci every two weeks is critical and now this worm is telling people to socially distance their pet birdss

  Polly Cracker
 Anthony Fauci is a repulsive old man fighting hard for the  international globalists to restrict  peoples rights,movements, and civil liberties through the crisis of a health fake created crisis that little bird worms such as this piece o bird shit Anthony Fauci is as a human scum. I often read and shit on news paper articles of this man my owner often put son the bottom of my cage and what I read is ridiculous as this old man continues to demand people wear masks whenever and wherever they go out and for this old man every time is a time of critical. The critical mass of Coronovirus never rends and will always be used to enforce new rules and regulations and pretty soon all of humanity will be in its
government sanctioned bird cage if people remain like Dodo s and allow a small class  of psychotic "experts" like this old fuck face near death to always come on and be the end all . We all need  to call the shits.Anthony Fauci has become a un elected defacto word leader of extreme power and ahh is about s powerful now as a spokesman and talker a the average human being is becoming a  a caged bird is of it pet feathered friends . The early bird always gets their worm and for many people the first worm
of the day is Anthony Fauci whom much like a  Virus himself is somebody whose fuck face keeps appearing in the media., on television, in the news papers, and always on the bottom of my cage as my owner wants me to target snit on this mas with a face of an old ass. Make no  mistake Anthony Fauci is a worm a man who is so hell bent on power and had to study epidemiology all his life in search and seek of it and people are increasingly titre do f this old man who should really consider retirement and why Trump keeps relying on such a  birdbrain is not known. For Anthony Fauci a mask is good because he is a little leprechaun that looks and resembles a worm and he wishes to make people meek and weak ahhh much like an a Earthworm. In fact the mask mandates do seek to make people sick and weak like worms unable to breath and exchange important air flows into circulation and all part of this mask mandates and requirements actually is the opposite and the health fascists and sick people like Anthony desire to see more people ill.  For all we now Anthony might be reptilian or Wormified fucker from Uranus trying to kill people off to pave way for his people form planet X or Sakomoneisis. Wyh is this fucking piece of shit to tell all people and now demand to parrots and Parakeets that they too need to socially distant. This old troll can go and fuck himself. For Anthony  Fauci and those outside its Health industrial complexes top echelons this take over of the global economy thorhg a health concentrated fake scare and virus scam is an attempt to make all people on earth like Earth worms with little or now power and the so-called elites and disruptors   are the bulldozers of society and nations. It is obvious that Anthony Fuckface is a tool for the political class and for the highest price talking Tony will say to whatever agenda at the moment will pay him the most to disrupt political rallies for Trump or push for increased expenditures and profits of the mask makers. Anthony Fauci needs to die,to retire, or like an Earthworm disappear into the ground.

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