YouTubes Calvin Knapp company man basically does a commercial for bad globalist coffee chain Dunkin Donuts and praises its growth and value

  Chester Gallagher
    Calvin Knapp is the name we give to some pro business and ill informed YouTube capitalist vlogger who never sows his name or face doing videos most often praising these large corporations s or reporting on why some past ones declined and went bankrupt without saying the real puppet bank masters and the causes of it. Cal Knapp Company Man did a video that basically just examined the tremendous growth of awful Dunkin Donuts once a day baked items and bad Sara Lee water coffee and he snowed data and numbers that showed the exponential growth of this
Company but unfortunately these numbers are fake and basically Dunkin Donut is  a Indian owned and partnership of liberal Massachusetts company and  version of China's Luckin Coffee fraud. The only difference between the fraudulent sales numbers of Dunkin and China's Luckin Coffee is hat Luckin and its stock and sales data manipulation got caught and Dunkin is smart ow it transfers sales and is real secretive hard to
detect. The Dunkin  coffee chain is  land grabber and a company that take space with low interest global loans that enable its growth much more than actual demand for its otherwise stale and bad products. C al Knapp should do a little more investigation itno the similarities of Dunkin and luckin Coffee before he does in all basic means is a ten minute video praising this shit company and its rise and one  must wonder if Du kin paid this silly jackass cal Kn app. I like it how he tried to explain Dukin's success as something being attributed to more of a blue collar base that goes to it as he compared it s customers to Starbucks as if something with a cross coneection and the plant basrfd drive of meatless movement and others somehow doesn't contribute to giving favored preference to this company.
 Calvin should know that today's Dunkin is far removed form the days of freshly baked donuts throughout the day and the profit margins this company does and cost cutting measures that are rewarded  by banks and shareholder is  disgusting and the monopoly of street corner domination and asset collection  of the monopolists explains more the success of this company than actual popularity .

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