China is now threatening Bhutan and Lebron James says nothing but defends foul mouth sports writer

Cody Maloney
   The wicked CCP Chines demonic party and the current regime in China is perhaps the most evil government seen in the past two centuries with an ever expanding appetite to grown and swallow up its neighbors. The amount of  money these people are willing to corrupt other lands and stans and then use a fake virus scam to hijack other governments shows how the tricky  sick intentions of this nation show no bounds and is out of bounds. Lebron Jame is a NBA  baller star that speaks and defends this country and he says nada about the atrocities and repression of his benefactor whether it be the Uighur or Tibetans. One can expect if there were Africans in China that were being suppressed tis Black supremacist Lebron James would be lambasting this country.

Now China is threatening Bhutan and wants t change it boundaries and some re saying that China will pull a  full Saddam Hussein and just annex this country under the radar and dare the rest of the world to do something. he harassment and evil it has sown in the South China Seas and Hong King sow no slowing down and indeed there are so many corrupt toilet mouths like Lebron Jame sin
AmeriBLMA the CCP commie bastards in China feel empowered to threatened and taunt their neighbors regardless of size and strength as seen in recent months with India to Bhutan. The Black supremacists in America are ready to serve their Chinese overlords and Lebron James and the BLM movement would be totally behind and supportive of China should war eventually break out between America and the evil sickened mind control Chinese empire. Lebron James si more upset that ESPN racial activist journalist  Adrian Wojnarowski was suspended for harassing and cussing out a US congressman that dared to critisize the NBA and its ties to the CCP and Lebron teared  up  by this news coming from  ESPN. Lebon has no remorse for serving China  instead ignoring the mass laughter and imprisonment of ethnic minorities non-Han China  o and bullying tactics of his beloved China. I really think this shit head King Jame stinks and he think  he is of Han Chinese descent and not a descendant of slaves in America. 
 China is a forefront of the evil of all evil nations in its history  killing many more of its own people and others since the CCP gained power that the Mongols ever accomplished in three hundred years.  and its growing threat to the region even threatening  other nations islands yet one hear no bo beep form this Chinese CCP one party state lying NBA ASS basketball player . Lebron James is a fucker and a half who cares little of the oppression of people in Bhuton ,Tibet, Hong King and even within China itself and all he want sis  a large social media microphone and a large paycheck from China s is that rotten of a prick. 

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