Steak House fight in Little Rock, Arkansas show why there was once racial segregation dining in the South

Armando Arturo
   A brutal fight over social distancing took place in Little Rock,Arkansas and this fight serves as an example of why there was racial segregation in dining as this fight without a doubt was racially motivate by both sides and parties. This of course was not reported and indeed the media made no mention of race or implications of the news of the brawl at Salt Grass k steak House but clearly the motivations were racial. A black woman became abusive after a man in this video apparently came within six feet of her and without a doubt she would of said nothing about social distancing if the
man were Black like her. The woman became belligerent and again the chances are this likely would not be so vividly expressive if this woman had been in an all Black restaurant and perhaps Salt Creek and other dining facilities would look into allowing separation by race if these encounters rise in the future and the imagery of this a fight and the viral video can only play to out enemies and the need  to cause havoc an chaos whcih so many of these racialists seem to readily provide. here was no ned for a brawl and this fight can clearly be blamed on the Black Karen woman going nuts because somebody came close to her and this fight was clearly indented by this woman looking for an excuse to create a confrontation inside Salt Grass Steak House s she likely wanted to find a predominately White restaurant to cause a seen and then have some lawsuit to extricate free money for herself and her violent thug boo.  What I took from  he video of this fight is people bringing the hood and ghetto act out into the restaurateur and eateries and some people are not going to tolerate it among their ears and this is what all this Black nonsense and calls of Karens is all about as the Blacks want to act like Mountain valley Gorillas and some people are not going to accept this juvenile  odd behavior. The fights along racial lines in this era are dangerous and once again demonstrate why there once had to be at time for dining racial segregation as people are better among their own kind.

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