Elite hob nobbing Gold Coast resident sin the wealthy neighborhood of Chicago are not welcoming f a dope fiend pot store by Chicago-based PharmaCann which wants to open a pit store and have a retail store for resident of this wealthy Chicago neighborhood. Mathew Newberger is typical of the thoughts of many rich people who are urban liberal elites who want these stores but not in their neighborhood and indeed this creep was interviewed in the Chicago tribune and said the Gold Coast this not the right place for a pot store. The entitlement and elitism if Mathew and other urban liberal snot wanting the shit hole store sin their neighborhood but think it should be located int poor or suburban areas and the Gold Cast neighborhood is up in arms against the plans and oppose a marijuana store in their community.
psychotic drug pusher Chicago mayor Larry Lightfoot allowed pot legalization and has approved five dispensaries to apply to zone the are after Gold Cast and allow local potheads the right to shop and entrepreneurs the right to set up business in perhaps Chicago's most ritzy neighborhoods. Residents are angered as fuck that the Zoning board is considering allowing PharmaCann and other pot dispensaries into their exclusive neighborhoods and this is the overall plan of Lebiannnn Lori Lightfoot to bring about Chicago to become Detroit.
Larry Lightfoot is a pot head dope feon and supports the small business of local corner street pushers and basically the local governments in Chicago want more and more of ht lucrative globalist fake weed sales tax revenue and thus even a neighborhood like Gad Coast and Rover North are not immune to these shit hole stores that will mainly attract Blacks from outside the community.
In fact, Alderman Brian Hopkins is no Jimmy Hopkins and believes that there ear other parts of the city more suitable for shit pot dope stores and not his word of elites who ahhh believe their own pot smoking don' t smell. Brian Hopkins is a great politician a true republic o Chicago patriot serving the interest of his moneyed class and he will do everything in his power and the money of the likes of Mathew Newberger. Alderman Brian Hopkins is furious at mayor Larry for pushing these stores and we warned reader along ago that drug legalization was globalist scam to be used to spread drugs and illegal dark dollars around and take over communities as this PaharmaConn is fighting the residents concerns of their pot store being so fucking close to a store and a school whcih is just sick.
Government need to regulate more shit business like liquor stores and cigarette stores out of existence and take their dope weed stores as well as shit hole stores and business like this only serve to make a community more shitty and like Detroit.Alderman Briana Hopkins is a patriot for the Republic city state of Chicago and may be a leading contender I tell you one day for president and may challenge Lori Lightface for president of Chicago in 2023.
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