series of explosions rock Iran point to possible sabotage as crazed Iranian Ayatollah Ali Khamenei hangs dozens of dissidents.

    Ali Muhammad
 Make no mistake Iran Islamic republic is a huge evil and problem the world faces and the theocracy  of Shiite radical Islam controlling the lands and stans formerly of Persia are ruled by a despot who knows no bounds in his contempt for individual liberties and the rights of its own subjects. Ali Khamenei is a mad mad and mass killer and sooner o  later the repression he admires and encourages from his evil NAZI storm trooper lie Revolutionary Guard is facing serious  push back as a series of explosions has rocked the Casbah. The wicked and demonic Ayatollah is leader of the true Great Satan of Iran and he is executing in mass killings of hangings of those who stand in opposition to his evil regime and wish to overthrow the Great Satans and for once the international community is finally coming out against this demonic Towel-headed bastard as he killed three young protesters whom are Persian patriots and not like or didn't act like the protesters in  the radical  North American

countries of Portland and Seattle but were real peaceful protesters taking to thee streets and protesting the mass arrests and brutality of other Iranian and other executions that this madman Ali Ayatollah Khamenei has ordered to be tortured and hung. There are accounts that the Iranian Supreme leader has hanged some 500 dissidents this past month of June and the brutality of Iran is growing leading to what man y people believe are acts if insurrection and sabotage with these explosions that are rocking  the country and the rural casbahs . The public executions and domestic terror this man and his regime have committed smacks of need for a new revolution and this may be brewing in Iran.
Khamenei has gotten away as long as he has for his crimes against humanity because he used his large war chest to help get elected in the White House a fucking Muslim form Kenya and now he is facing more reckoning and pressure and Israel is alarmed that the American violent left may steal a election this November and they might be subsidizing and funding the dissenters in Iran who once and for all want to over throw this  religious zealot and nut as evil and wicked as the first Ayatollah
and we can only hope and push for more explosions that we have been witnessing all over ran at key military bases and installations around their country. Thee Ayatollah brutally executed Saeid Tamjidi,Mohammad Rajabi, and Amirhosseign Maradi to show a disconnect with reality and his pledge to stamp out all dissenters and the execution of these three were hot off the heels of a execution of a man for the crime of having an alcoholic drink. Long gone are the days that the wicked globalist Barack Hussein Obama was in office and allowed this authoritarian fundamentalist dictator to mass kill and genocide huge sections of Iran that protested and resisted his rule and more pressure is coming on this evil state and the Ayatollah's days are numbered and this savage will be toppled.

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