Terry Blue
It is not too late for Houston Mayor and avowed partisan Black supremacist Sylvester to run for president end embolden by is ability to repress a Trump rally and republican political gathering in Houston the crazed and racist mayor of Houston has now set his political ambitions higher with thoughts o power and grandeur. Crazed Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner's main motivation with preventing Trump rally and he Republican state convention in being held in person was to prevent and interfere with a rival political faction and suppress their ability to organizes and deliver ideas and this tactic made by Mayor Turner is all more nonsense and political suppression attempts by the Democrat and primarily what this over-reaction to Covid is all about. Sylvester is married to a fat cow and he likes to go on the low down while pushing for a lock down and now he is thinking about running for president in 2020 under a third Black Panther party this man is such a crazed Black supremacist .

Turner is using bi-partisan work with the Texas Governor to wage more economic lock down and warfare among the business class in this state and deny opportunities for people to work for a living and instead be dependent on the state and crooked politicians such as himself and Governor Abbot. Some are saying Sylvester turner's star is rising and now this mans name is being thrown in the hat for a potential 2020 run under the lock down party where prison reform and increased drug legalization will be a part of this man's campaign and cleanly he will not interfere for his political party form having a large gathering rally and convention like he worked imperiously to deny the president and other Texas Republicans their constitutional rights guaranteed to gather and have a political rally and convention. After having their case thrown out in a Harris County corrupt court the republican are again suing this asshole and their rights and need for a convention to the Texas supreme Court and fighting back against with black bastards attempt to suppress and deny this party form having their convention.

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