Eric Ericson
Karlos Dillard is a leftist woke homosex actor who struggled and has to drive and work at Grub hub. Karlos is a racist Black who uses the left identity oppressed victim hood to run his own tyrannical war and attack of white women whom this nut thinks are all Karen's and the Karen identity is made by these crazed leftist like this homosexual bad comedian and actor few follow as this loser is desperate for any attention. Karlos is a psycho and a nut and after a traffic altercation most people would of
blown off and forgotten after five minutes this son of a bitch followed a White woman home in Seattle or Portland and went on to berate and harass er showing his own personal misogyny and hatred for this woman all while making up a story to passerby wondering why this woman was bawling like a baby as this nut videoed her and berated her for yelling out a window. The real Karen is this gaywad psychopath Karlos Dillard bastard form hell and why is a demonic plagues set forth bb the radical extremists in our society a man unhinged and plagued by the idea of his own victim hood whenever
his ass tears during a anal encounter with another man. This man videos the entire transgression of his microaggression and was triggered that the woman started crying and made a scene and made im out to look like the Karen fool that he is as people on the street took sympathy for this woman this fucked up ass was harassing and didn't have to follow her aside from his sick impulse to make a Karen video and trying to promote himself and sell his t shirts displaying his racist Karen hatred. Dillard is a sick fuck with an obsession of White women and the hate that these crazed racist blacks have for the womenfolk of our people has been k own for centuries and now has manifested itself to these losers and psychopaths calling any woman that stands up their their stalking, criminality, suspiciousness, and harassment as a "Karen:. The real "Karens" and shit heads like Karlos Dillard and their attempt to silence critics and wage war on people who don;t agree with their transvestite views of the world and their Black supremacist vision for the future. Karlos Dillard is an asshole homosexual and a half in addition to being a Black Supremacist who believes following White women home and videoing the on his phone so he can masturbate his two inch cock later is normal and accepted behavior given allowances because he is a Black homo in a liberal retarded urban city of gerrymandered Seattle.
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