Domincik D "Souza
Islamo fascist state of Iran is a troublesome and constant threat to American interest and allies in the region and one of the problems is it is filled with revolutionary Guard radicals like Amir Hatami. The Islamic republic of Iran continues to see the United States protection of the shipping lanes and resources made available too ur allies as a direst threat and the rhetoric for the likes of Islamo fascists such as this Brigadier general who like many dead Iranian authoritarians before him have publicly threatened Israel and the United States and recently boast some dome city missile defense system along the Persian coast that he said can be use don regular shipping.Mr Hatami has threatened all US transportation in the region and lie Qassim Hussein is threatening his own self with his continual threats and lies on our country and the open attack and war planning he does on a constant basis for th Islamic Fascists of Iran.

Iran is continuing to develop weapons and missiles that in all affect potentially are to be used against the United States and Israel as this crazed Shiite religion and wizard bastards running this country also seek to take issues ans dreams of genocide against the regions more numerous Sunni Muslims and in reality the civilized world doesn't need to keep taking this extorting and threats form the likes of these Towel headed fundamentalists and Islamo Fascists in baseball-looking gear old bad uniforms of the Islamo fascists of Iran. Amir Hatami and others will face the same net end and result of Qassaim Sulumani if they keep it up and it will be one less Islamo fascist if and when the US decides that this Iranian monster must be offed as well for their continual threats a declarations of war against the West. Iran is a twin evil and they are trying to form an alliance of evil with Chin and make no mistake this is a wicked country that seeks to create as much instability and havoc in the region and find ways to profit form it.

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