Rex Reed Jr
Right wing religion fundamentalist Jesse Lee Peterson is a rare speaker for the oppression and hatred that is directed against White people in this modern society and few are willing to express and be as outspoken against this injustice and growing hatred in part of the Chinese funded Black supremacist movement of BLM Nazis in America. Jesse Lee Peterson says he can't believe how White people are being treated and no major political leaders are speaking up about this as all of their leaders are like Mitt Romney and beholden to international and mostly progressive money and the corporate world that comes with it.

Jesse lee Peterson has organized is followers into a twitter campaign to make July White history month and declare all the great inventions and things accomplished by White Americans of European decent in order to quell this negative hatred by the Black,Brown,Asiatic, and white liberal parts of our society where fear mongering and hatred against whites is accepted and sometime promoted by the B lack supremacists.

The White Huns were allies of Attila the Huns and basically served to oppress their fellow White Caucasians serving their Asiatic warlord s ad this submission to Asia is being seen by so many Whites today and has been a significant art of White history as Europeans served their overlord nomadic monsters with no problem as long as they got some title or white privileged granted to them by these Asiatic invaders whether it be the Huns or Mongols. Much like today's White member of BLM or ANTIFA these whits proudly serve the power sf others to be used against people who look like them. There are many great YouTube videos informing about the White Huns and how subservient they were to the us and willing participants to oppress their kinfolk in eastern Europe. Mush lie a large segment of White America and Europe there were may traitors in the midst of the early eastern European that readily helped and aided joined with the foreign invaders form the steppes of Asian that raped,plundered, and conquered Europeans and the Huns and Mongols would not have been so successful in Europe and the Middle East without the id of cultural self hater and traitors.

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