Alex Mousolopolous
Over seventy people have been arrested as Belgrade as seen a fourth night of rocking and rolling with protesters fighting back against government oppression nd use of this fake virus to strengthen their control and increase their power. Why the American right wing is not emulating and repeating this protest sin Democratic wards and cities across america I will never know yet the Serbians are a ethnically homogeneous country thus media lies and misrepresentation not likely to as occur. Serbians r protesting and on the brink of open revolt after evil ruler rigged globalist president Vucic orders an curfews attempt as he tried to push the country to a path extreme restrictions and lock downs and again e call for the patriots of California to coy this as until this is done government in many lands and stans across America and elsewhere will use this Coronovirus scam to lock down and destroy peoples freedoms.
Many right-wing demonstrators tried to rush the parliament building in downtown Belgrade where these lock down rulings are being signed and delivered and aside form Michigan no where in America did these protests similar to nature to what we see in Serbia and other Eastern European countries are being initiated. The government t of wicked Serbian oppressive president Aleksandar Vucic tried to install another curfew but people ,mainly men took to the streets too protest these ridiculous repressive regime and actions forcing this scumbag president to scrap his plans and this is a tactic that needs to be imitated in America but as of now it appears Serbians are more patriotic and have feeling sin defending their civil liberties against the global governments that seek to enforce a sick culture where everything is locked down at nine o.clock at night and you must sleep an d eat with a medical mask. Governments around the world are working with the environmentalist wackos to shorten hours of operate and virtually destroy the capitalism that exists as this is a socialist
environmentalist health industrial global conspiracy to weaken countries and business ventures and this sick leader still kept the ban and organizing of more than ten people as the leadership of many governments around the world seek to prevent festivals and large gatherings not wanting to waste expenditures and picket it instead for themselves through their corruption and greed. President Vuvic is attempting to squash the democratic process and further his grip on power through spinning the false narrative that Serbia is plagued by this fake virus pandemic, This country has only had three hundred deaths since march blamed on Coronovirus and whether these deaths actually can be blamed to Covid or other natural health issues are causes is not known but this new fake pandemic is likely being used by authoritative government around the world to their advantage and this is the main purpose of this focus on it.
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