Pastor Brian Gibson ready to go to arms and defend churches and White Jesus statues from Black supremacists like Shaun King

     Clark Kramer
    Shaun King is a repulsive racial agitator and provocateur who in recent weeks is even acting or insane than he usually does as this idiot has gone full frontal domestic terrorism and is playing with fire. The piece of shit light-skinned black radical and supremacist is triggered whenever he sees a Jesus that does not fit the image of his Brian and h threatened to loot and tear down statues that were of a causation looking Jesus wherever and whenever he or the mob decides and many pastors pushed back traveling to the Seattle occupied zone of losers to tell these radicals this was not going to happen in their communities. Shaun King is  a lifelong provocateur who receives money on these international hedge funded sources whose best interest is seeing America kept divided and perpetually suspicious of one another and Shaun King is a worthless piece of shit who can actually be arrested for treasonous behavior in his social media on-line presence. Shaun King's demand to loot and trash churches and statues of Jesus has finally woke the Evangelical Americans out of their
Netflix and slumber to the real potential threat these leftists and anarchist spose t their rights and for this braze pastor and others traveling to the home of these insane leftists and tier new state of Chaz for a prayer and publicity shot was important and they gave a stern warning to the radila racists like Shaun King who think they can easily just come in and burn their churches as if this was  Islambadad. The will work with governments for still penalties of vandalism and hate crime and will seek to defend their properties wth use of lethal arms if protesters dared to come to any of these houses of worship and seek to do harm to limb or property and Shaun King and his like will get the racial reform race war tey often desire and seek to bring about. Shaun King has received thousands of death threats and even have police forums calling out for his persona execution and assassination as Shaun Kng is no Martin Luther King and this  man Shaun is a Black demonic force encouraging and often inciting and can be a direct blame fr the high number of racial hate and sex crimes committed against our people as rotten demonic individuals like him have often pushed racial hatred and evil
through the years. Pastor Gibson warned the likes of the Black supremacists and crazed mulattoes that vandalism and attacks on churches to replace White Jesus statues will not  be tolerated and Shaun King will receive a bullet to his fucking face if he attempts to do this to certain churches and especially Pastor Gibson's churches and he let this maniac Mr King know this in several interviews following the insanity of Shaun King and his hatred for white people and the display of worship for a Caucasian looking Jesus Christ whcih given the movements and migration of Scandinavian and
Germanic people could very well have seen a White Jesus especially given in how the modern era Whites explored and set up institutions why the Black savage institutions were worship to snakes and Wildabeasts. Shaun King is a fuck face from Mars  and the racial obsessive media evil justice liars need to realize a movement and religion such as Christianity could never be founded by the Blacks and if anything Blacks are more destroyers than creators and have always been in Africa and beyond. Jesus  Christ much more looked like pastor Gibson than a mixed mutt like Shaun King and this fact it what drives Shaun King nuts.

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