Richard Florida is a urban supremacist that is now having difficulty defending urban lifestyles and living

    Eddie Bailey
 Richard Florida is a urban supremacist that is now having difficulty defending urban lifestyles and living in this era of Conovirus and Mr Florida is doubling down on the preference and positive lifestyle of high rise living and the urban wealthy elite over say living in ahhh Florida. Richard Florida says this co-viris is aberration and that cites have long survived pandemics and plagues and that the wealthy will always have  or money and decide on urban habitats that they can use and make more pricey to kick out the undesirables and deplorable. King Richard lives urban castles and says their   little evidence that people living on top of one another and sharing the same ventilation
system has anything to do with catching a virus and Mr Florida says throughout history it always has been the peons and peasants that really take a brunt form this separatist class that either lived in castles,e states, and now tall elegant closed cities. The Coronovirus scam and hoax can only take place in urban areas as a few areas are centers of misinformation and lies and media centers and it is easy to spread a false connection and collect manipulated data form John Hopkins University and make all of these claims of a crisis where there is not one and people have been dying all of the time in hospitals
and wards. In fact, the increase death rate was long ago predicted and will steadily be  climbing and the folks of Urban centers such as Richard Florida and the hospitals across America know tis as thr natural death rates were set to increase with the aging of baby boomers. Richard Florida is a geek and a half and lucky to have the living he has as a bad advocate writer for urban supremacy and domination of countries resources and wealth and has a trophy hot wife to prove his luxury lifestyle and living avocation for a few encouraging and supportive of the globalist new world order.
Florida doesn't care for  the people struggling to make ends meet living in rural remote trailer parks in Florida. He says the Coronovirus is only a moment all while ignoring that living on top of one another in old sweaty lack of air old apartments or new cheaply constructed central air sharing condo complexes in urban centers are the real cause of the spread of  bacteria and mysterious viruses of many names.

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