George Takei is a bitter old troll and homosexual former star of Star Trek and a liberated libtarded leftist that often gets his big mouth and squint eyes out on cameras and on-line social media to attack what he perceives as Republicans and conservatives because he is an old gay silly troll. George Takai hates White people and wishes to avenge the interment of Japanese people during World war II and many were indeed suspicious and their loyalty rightfully questioned at the time given their refusal of bothers George Takei that White people can't be so easily intimidated and oppressed as his past generational illegal Japs in California and the thought and vision of Mark and Patrica McClosky holding a mob back with their guns angered,triggered, an nearly gave a stroke to this wicked deceitful,hateful old actor.
George Takei is a racist and a hetrophobe,xenophobe,sexiest, racist etc etc one of the wickedest old farts on tinsel town and he is old and gray and on our death bed wish list near the end of his line and where are favorite Backpage bed gals Latisha and Monique will dance and twerk upon hearing the news whenever this old Jap dies as he is such an annoying fuck ass.
George has taken it up his poop chute at least three thousand time sin his lifetime with a variety of ass hole lover sin all shades of White and Yellow to light Brown and he thinks that he is the normal one and those who don't agree with the domestic terrorists such as Black Lives Better movement should be highly criticized.
He called for the arrest of the White Couple defending their home form protesters who ere about to storm their house and he says all people waving guns at Black folks should spend a minimum of ten years in jail as some sort of answer to trump's call fro statute tear down terrorists to suffer such a sentence. I wonder what George Takei would do if the mob and protesters had come to this former Star Trek stars big home he shares with his homosexual and he would be dialing 911 the minute they walked over his Green grass.
This old fool needs to die off and we still insist this man is close on his death bed wish list and sooner or later the heirs and homos of the past for George Takei will come for a piece of his wealth and estate and Monique and Latisha are already doing a death bed wish rain dance for this silly old queer George whom we believe is near the end of the line and his ass,absurdity, an stupidity may not be with us for much linger and hopefully George Takei is deader than a door nail in a month or two this rotten Jap needs to go for the amount of hate and lies he says. Takei needs to be put in an internment camp for the hate and lies he often says as an influencer former Star Trek actor .

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