Sheriff Richard Clark bashes Nik Kovak and Marina Dimitrijevich mask orders and attempts and says it will not be policed

   Jay Yang
    Milwaukee Sheriff Richard Clarke has spoken a caveat fr crazed local politicians in the area who think they can mandate a mask law for outdoors in the public and threat the police would have the resources or constitutionality to enforce it and heavily fine people as dipshit aldermen in Milwaukee are expressing in dumb Nik Kovak and the foreign named butch Marina Dimitrijevich. The ideas of these aldermen along with other repressive politicians across America trolling the public and trying to enforce code and dress violations sprouting the sales and profits of China in delivering a product most people did ;t purchase a year ago but r now forced or manipulated to purchase through the lies of the mainstream  media. Sheriff David Clarke says there is no way his office will enforce insanity of these
regulations by over burden nanny states and his comments have been echoed by other law enforcement and sheriffs across the country in a repsonse to the insanity fear monger of the leftist foreign-owned Democrats i  power. The fact that woman and Democratic alderman in a extremely liberal city of Milwaukee and one named Marina Dimitrijevich who demanded a 500 dollar fie for anyone outside
without a mask. Her policy and goals were echoed by fellow  alderman and crazed troll and host of the River West Radio pirate show Nik Kovak who often lies and misleads in particular hatred against the Milwaukee County Sheriff Richard Clarke. Clarke says there is not enough personal nor the rights to harass people into wearing masks and all claims of the need of it by these left-wing  troll politicians are ridiculous and need to ne pushed back by the public. larks is n ot going to waste his officer valuable
time enforcing insane mask demands of the mask fascists like Mr Kovak and this woman with a stupid un-American name that can hardly be spelled and pronounced and the power of people with these funny name sis what really is being driven with these new restrictions and code of appearance in public. This Dimiterfuck needs to be impeached as as alderman as she is basically a mask fascist communist. Not only does she need to be displaced but also Nik Kovak's own pirate radio station on Locust street and have him arrested as men like him continue to push the lies of Covid 19 that continual to hit into worker pocketbooks denying them work and destroying the business and capabilities of the free market form running to full strength a lunatic libtards like these two push for perpetual enclosure for business despite the reopening of the state and much of the country. Masks are  being pushed so vehemently by the psychotics like Kovak and Dmitrvok and other sin the entertainment and media to humiliate,  destroy and demoralize Americans as this  is the real goal and for patriots  we need to proudly display our faces and unremitting resistance to the evils of these health for-profit and media fear mongers among us.  The wearing   of masks by so many has done little in stopping the uptick of Covid 19 cases because these cases are fraud to begin with and they health experts and fascists will always be announcing there is an uptick in Covid 19 cases whether 100% mask complicity went into affect ass all of this is horseshit and the losers wearing all these masks and shields are being played by the sane oil health artists and profiteers.

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