The decline of American soccer and the Ken Snow is dead

Bernardo Romano
    American soccer is in decline and the fact that this comment can be said is not a oxymoron as American soccer has always been low on the totem pole of America sport and interest. a recent death of a local soccer high school icon in the area got me into thinking of the decline of American soccer and Ken Snow's death hit home as the two time national  player of the year and high school and college legend that was Ken Snow in America seventh most popular sport hit home as Ken Snow died of Wuhan virus in Indianapolis at the ripe old age of 50.
Mr Snow was a soccer stud back in the eighties and nineties  in school and at the university of Indiana and the fact that  Mr Snow was not this countries version of Pele Diego Maradonna, or Sebasta Vertigali  as predicted and in reality didn't do sit and couldn't even make a domestic soccer team shows the decline of  the American athlete and failures of the soccer leagues in producing a viable domestic super star. They are totally incapable for producing  American born legendary star and Ken Snows utter failure into even making a professional league illustrates this fallen and complete failure of soccer and many have said from some time the women's team can actually outperform and breath any life into the faltering and often ignored sport in America .  if US soccer actually paired a match up between the two the money goes towards the women's team as they are stronger and much more masculine than the mends US soccer team that is a rag tag of dwarfs and soy boys. he long predicted rise and popularity if mens soccer in America will never transcribe as it can' t produce viable players and is boring as fuck. it is more fun watching Bulls and Horse shit in a pasture and fertilize a field than watching three hours of men kick a ball around and the fact that Soccer or Foosball as called by much of the world is the most popular sport says something  about the sorry state of the mind of most men around the world.
 Ken Snow scored like 128 goals in 78 games and still despite  his success in school could never make a professional team in America or a impact in the any league as a professional and not only was this man no Pele he was no Freddy Adu. Mr Snow dominated soccer at both Hoffman Estates High School and Indiana University but did not have th intestinal  fortitude to translate his early success into professional stardom and the inability of ken Snow to accomplish this is a sporting tragedy and typical of the sorry state of football or soccer as it is called on this side of the pond.  Snow bounced around on six indoor soccer teams unable to find any success in his uninspiring play . Ken Snow dead at the age of 54.

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