Jason Fool
Right-wig YouTube star Andy Warski and his adopted brother Chris are not fools came on their hugely popular YouTube site and explained how the West is becoming radicalized and moving more in the direction of Saudistan than the past freedom and liberation movements of the sixties. Warski says the attacks he has faced and the attack on free speech is the eats to the continuing censorship and the Chinese Saudi style systematically repressive garments and governments we are moving towards . a

The mask fascism and covering up people is something they do in authoritarian restrictive government sand cultures and Warski say this power trip and telling foolish people how to dress and what to wear is straight out of Compton and the brothers cant believe that so many people are flowing the ridiculous government regulation and demands that people dress up like women in Saudi Arabia and hide their identities.

Chris can't believe fools actually take Anthny Fauci seriously and if Anthony Fauci told people to bang their head on a chair to hep prevent Coronovirus they said 78% percent of the fools would actually follow this instruction. In the Middle East the repressive edicts and order are form the Koran and religious scholars and in America and parts of the Americas and Asia it is the health "experts' and scholars that get to have the authority and tell the masses what type of loincloth and fabric and wear we need to wear it on our face. One has to wonder what these governors like Gavin Newsom and Phil Murhpey ,Whitmore, Wolf and others will tell us what we have to fucking war this Halloween and clearly the most scary outfit i can think of will be people dressing up as this old fool Anthony Fauci. The mask fascism is brought to you by global money and from the likes of Saudi Arabia wishing to cover up more people and preventing their self-identity and this is a conspiracy of the Arab Muslim sharia spreader sin using the global health scare crow systems to make people cover their fuck faces much like they accomplish n their lands and stans.

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