Sebastian Salvador
Health rock star Anthony Fauci is a major mouthpiece for the restrictive measures in society a d he seeks to be global leader and first health doctor of the United States. Anthony Fauci is now saying that the United states and this citzens along with all citizens of the globe need to wear more to prevent and slow the spread of the Covid 19 virus crisis made up in the mid of this doctor and other seeking to expand money and funnel it into his industry. Anthony Fauci is seriously considering running fpor president under a third party candidacy in 2020 as he feels not enough is being done and he will run under the Covid party and the symbol of this mans third party will be a mask quite naturally.

Anthony Fauci wants to see more social distancing and the continual enclosure of capitalist business ventures all under the cause of public health and Fauci says when he and the "experts' get it right not one human being will have to ever die and that we can never accept death anymore and trust int he religion of science is what is needed yo topple this scourge of living matter. Fauci says we must wash our hands twenty times a day wipe our ass with clorex wipes after a bowel movement, and get down on our knees and pray to the science God and the spirit of Carl Sagen. Fauci is a prick and a half and says Americans and the world better get use to the power o f men like him and the scare crow health complex as Fauci has called for health professions to run for office and be as ubiquitous in Democratic politics as the lawyer is now and only then can laws be changed and Star Wars Guy Fawkes masquerade and eye wear society can take place and become a perpetual reality together...forever and the on world order can be so happy together

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