Ali Muhammad
Two different salesmen two continents away have been drastically affected form the restrictions provided by governments through the use of this virus crisis. Yaya Ka is a herder of sheep and goats and restrictive measures have prevented Mauritanians form crossing the border and purchasing this herders sheep and grain fed goats cutting heavy into his profits and the decline of dales during the Senegalese holiday of Eid-al-Adha has been dramatic and the goat herder blames the over reaction and restricted border measures of his native Senegal. Yaya says this is a real crisis and salesmen are being hit hard and the lack of sheep for the upcoming Islamic holiday of

likewise for Jeep sales man in Detroit names Kala Yukal the selling of the popular vehicle has dipped and fewer people are coming into the Chrysler dealership and willing to take out new loans for these expensive and ugly off-road vehicles. The Croonvirus is making it difficult for people in Senegal in continuing important social and cultural importance and it dawned upon mean all this Covid Wuhan virus restrictive measures is meant to curtail and cripple the traditions for people within different borders ans the globalists respect little the

importance of regional and national holidays or traditions. Whether people can drive new vehicles or have a huge holiday sheep dinner is regardless and if it is more difficult to connect new generations with these traditions then the health medical fascists are accomplishing their goals. The Covid conspiracy is now affecting sheep and Jeep sales and this is just wrong and Mr Ka and Mr Yukal are adapted or need t adapt to change in order to survive in the bustling and competitive sheep and jeep industries.

These salesmen are being restricted whether not being able to travel and cross one borders with their sheep or not having more Jeeps being able to be manufactured to lower the price of a relatively popular vehicle jeeps and sheeps need to get out to the public regardless of Covid1 9 horseshit and the attempt to stifle global economic growth and the raising of meat animals and fossil fuel transportation methods is the ultimate goal of these environmentalist s radicals that have control of much of internationals socialistic and governments sympathetic of this lie. The socialists want people to quit driving and eating meat and sheep and prefer to see all of us riding camel and horses and eating oats,horseshit, and eat grass like these animals.
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