Russ Russo
in one of my previous lives I lived in Casablanca before the Algerian war and died in a brothel from stealthy terrorist wenches working these whore houses. a recent video by North African born doctor and mask and now goggles fascist Payal Kholi who may or may not be a white woke Women named Patty Kohl come aboard he internet site and answered a few questions form a health profession concerning the wearing of masks and eye protective gear in order to prevent the Chinese dreaded sick disease created out of bat ells in a lab in the Wuhan province of the sneaky Communist state. International socialism is an ally of the CCP and the power of the undemocratic socialism as opposed to the Democratic socialism most leftists like myself support is seen with this continual drive to dehumanize and make people look grotesque like some space alien from Mars

Kholi says that people are not fully protected from the virus only wearing masks as the eye is connected to the lungs and droplets of Covid are in the air at all times lurking form the woods and bouncing off cars with the eventual goal of infiltrating your body and expanding its reach as a leeech. Payal says anything that someone will pay her to say and make no mistake this woman may dress up but Payal likely shops for shoes at Payless Shoe sore. This doctor among others are supportive of the fear spreaders of the likes of little worm Dr Anthony Fauci and she seeks to change the behavior of people through this virus and seeks now to promote the idea that mandatory googles are necessary. Payal says putting r faith i Buddha is key for total resolution and safety form this micro-monster beat tyoe thing called Covid 19

Payal worships Shiva and the little worm Anthony Fauci and she says that even if there were no virus cases we need to avoid large crowds ,bars,sports, and having basically fun and she suggested on various internet programs and interviews she says people need to stay at home and there at 8 pm and wash your hands eighty times a night praying to the Hindu God Ganesha. This woman and the mask and goggles fascist should really be working in a Algiers brothel and not be giving health driven propaganda.
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