Neil Knight
Tommy Sotomayer came aboard is hugely popular YouTube channel and decried the recent debacle and confrontation of three wicked Black females as they attacked workers and employees at Spirit airlines. Mr Sotomayer is a Black dude with no respect for the women in his community and he can get away criticizing these monster because he is an African-America. He seems to be right on as all of these videos with people fighting store employees or airlines especially seem to be Black women and Tommy Sotmayer says there is something intrinsically wrong with the brains of Black women and the privileged they feel as suppose victims of everything is what leads up to this insanity business often has to deal with these crazed women coming in and causing all of the ruble all of the time.

Tommy Sotomayer showed these three Black supremacists who attacked Whiteskins and Latinxxx workers showing a disregard for their safety and just plain selfish bitch greed as Tommy says these three bitches were mad because their flight was delayed. The disgusting bitches were heavily condemned by Mr Sotomayer who has had it with the drama of Black woman and constantly highlights these encounters and the derangness syndrome tese women suffer form thanks primary to the media and race hustlers who put it in their eades that people pre-judge them by ow they look.

These are actually three curvy fit and likely privileged pretty young black woman and if they can act u one most think what the water buffaloes would act even worse and one ha to wonder if Spirit Airlines allowed liquor to be served and whether this played a role in the anger and fit these three women had when their connected flight was canceled. These three witches of Miami need to accept cancel culture and this includes flights to low budget airlines and now they face legal action and all of the publicity they got for their violence an d nonsense was jut heavy criticism and hate form the likes of Tommy Sotomayer.
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