Rod Blagojevich came aboard his weekly podcast and blasted the fat ass authoritarian governor of Illinois and his handling and extortion of business people throughout the state of Illinois with the fear mongering and hijacking of the economy through laws meant to destroy business. The gangster thirties era looking monster governor basically bought his way into the office long seeking a way to wage economic terrorism and war on residents of Illinois an the Covid 19 gave this monster an excuse to wage oppression on business people with constant feat of upticks in cases knowing this bastard will go after the livelihood. Rod Blagojevich said Pritzker's policies and economic destruction are much worse than silly virus that attacks the old and elderly.
Rod also called for the commutation of Drew Peterson and Ronnie "Woo Woo" Wickers form prison and says he is eager to get back in the game recently telling Mancow Muller he is seriously considering running for governor and taking on this pig beast currently residing in the governors mansion and Rod Blagojevich is hoping to take back is office one day and make amends with his past and waste of fourteen years unjustly being in prison all of this time. Rod Blagojevich is cool man and he can be much better of a Governor than that fat authoritarian who is working hand in hand with China WHO and CDC to economically restrict the citizens and repress peoples right to make a living andrun a capitalist venture in this country.

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